"Grow Your Eden:

Transform Your Space into a Thriving Food Forest"

Dive into the lush greenery of sustainable living with our captivating video tour of our very own Freedom Farm ‘Galt’s Landing’ in St. Cloud, Florida. Witness the transformation of ordinary lawns into abundant food forests that support biodiversity and ecological health. Our expertly designed ecosystems bring the resilience and abundance of natural habitats right to your doorstep. Come visit us any time, book a tour with Jim or stay in one of our Airbnb for the real experience of waking up in our ‘alive and thriving’ environment at www.galtslanding.farm

Welcome to a journey where you reclaim your health, well-being, and independence in the way you source your food. At Food Forest Abundance, we're spearheading a movement to transform lawns and farmlands across the globe into diverse, abundant, and easy-to-maintain food forests. Our ecosystems harness the biological and botanical strengths of nature, eliminating the need for harmful pesticides and creating sustainable habitats that flourish year after year.

By choosing to create your own food forest, you’re not just planting trees and plants; you’re seeding a future where local wildlife can thrive, extinct species can find refuge, and communities can enjoy the bountiful health benefits of natural, self-sustaining gardens. These forests are more than just food sources; they are a profound step towards healing Mother Earth and fostering a natural habitat for all living beings.

We invite you to book a free strategy call with us today. Get to know our mission, explore how you can take control of your food supply, and learn how your personal choices can contribute to a healthier planet. This call is your first step towards becoming part of a solution that’s proven not only to enrich human life but also to restore ecological balance.

Join us, and let’s grow a better world together!

  • We are facing a widespread global ecosystem collapse that will effect everything from our food supply to our current way of life.

    Creating food forests at home and within our communities aids the expansion of our current ecosystem and provide food supply resiliency.

  • Over 72% of food sold in the US contains residues of harmful pesticides & poisons, while only 55% of Americans believe pesticide-free food is actually better for you.

    Food Forests are naturally pesticide free.

  • Most believe that harvesting your own food is impractical & expensive, leading individuals to purchase cheaper & unhealthier foods - introducing artificial ingredients, seed oils, and unnecessary sugar into diets. Obesity & seed oil use increase risk of death by 98% & 62%, respectively.

    With your own food supply, you will have access to abundant source of healthy food.

Meet the Founder of Food Forest Abundance

Rooted in the Rich Soil of Permaculture Principles

At the heart of Food Forest Abundance is our visionary founder, Jim Gale, whose dedication resilient living and freedom has given rise to this transformative movement. Inspired by the enduring principles of permaculture, Jim has dedicated his life to showcase how to create a supporting and abundant ecosystem that supports him, his family and his community, while taking care of each other, the Earth and re investing the surplus to taking care of people and the Earth. Under his guidance, Food Forest Abundance is not just an organization - it's a testament to the power of regenerative agriculture to reshape our world, restore biodiversity, and reconnect humanity with its roots in the natural world.

Through Jim Gale’s leadership, Food Forest Abundance harnesses the wisdom of nature and the practice of observation to create bountiful food forests . These forests are not only a source of nutritious, organic food but also serve as a model for sustainable agriculture that can heal our planet. With every project, Jim propels us closer to a healthier future, demonstrating that it is possible to thrive by giving back to the earth that sustains us.