A Progression of Design at Food Forest Abundance.

By Lindsay Brandon,

Creative Director, Head of Design

We can feel our busiest time approaching with the coming of spring! As we step into so many new offerings at Food Forest Abundance we are delighted to reflect upon the work of the past! Indeed, we have come a long way from hand drawn designs to our first digital rendering to where we are now!

Just look at the progression below!

In addition to this outstanding succession of design we have many new offerings:

1. Custom Design Process/ Bulk Consultation Hours:

Do you have a small project or portion of the Homestead you would like guidance on? Work 1 on 1 with one of our designers to design a project that suits your needs. Consulting prices are reduced when purchasing at a bulk rate. Book a strategy session to outline your needs and create a custom project to bring your Food Forest and Permaculture visions to life at home.

2. Design Mentoring:

Are you a Permaculture Designer looking to obtain experience in digital design? Is there a designer of ours whose work you adore and would like to work with? Aspiring to be a digital Permaculture Designer yourself? Book a 1 on 1 session with a designer of your choice and begin your journey towards digital Permaculture design rendering!

3. Rush Pricing:

Find yourself in a pinch for time? We can rush your design if necessary to meet grant proposal deadlines etc. For a 50% rush fee we can make sure you have your design with a quicker turnover time. Book a call to discuss as projects are outlined on a case-by-case basis.

The standard we are creating at Food Forest Abundance is reaching new heights as we integrate all that we have learned in our 3 years of operation. We are now established in our designs, processes, and presentation. We can only go up from here and we would like to celebrate now with you all, how far we have come with a bright light shining on our future~


Chickens - The Permaculture Gateway Animal